18 December, 2020
Green Energy Day 2020 is annual event organised by the Small Business Chamber as a forum of designers of project concepts, investors and concerned institutions and government that have a common goal to contribute to the promotion of energy efficiency and environmental friendly practices in municipalities and regional economic development projects as well as for the green processing in the SMEs and development of green industry in the Republic of North Macedonia.
The main purpose of this Forum is to enable enterprices and municipalities access to finance from available sources of green capital, and to attract alternative green investors currently not present enough on the North Macedonian market.
1. „Private Investment vs. Green Subsidies for Energy Transition and Digitalization„
- ADRIA Finance HUB - investment funds and project financing
2. „Smart Green Projects" -
financing model and implementation of technical equipment and solutions for energy management, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources
Green Agenda & Sustainable Connectivity
In the coming year the country is encouraged to considerably step up ambitions towards a green transition. For the realization of the obligations that Republic of North Macedonia has undertaken with the signing of the Paris agreement especially the preparation of the national energy and climate plan it is necessary to unite professional potential.
“Industrial Strategy of the Republic of North Macedonia 2018-2027”. Strategic goal 3 - Catalysis of green industry and green processing. This strategy focuses specifically on SMEs in the processing industry and in the eight main ways in which the manufacturing industry will be catalysed to support the green industry.
The Center for Financing and Mentoring Support and Adria Finance HUB https://www.sbch.org.mk/platformi/adria-finance-hub within the Small Business Chamber continuously systematically monitors the available financial programs that support Green Investments in enterprices and municipalities:
Macedonian Bank for Development Promotion (MBDP), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), World Bank, Green Climate Fund, IPA funds (local , regional ,cross-border Balkan-Mediterranean program, interregional), Horizon 2020 instruments for small medium-sized enterprises number 9 and 11, GIZ Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Open Source for Southeast Europe for Energy Efficiency IPARD Support Program , funds related to the so-called Berlin Process for WB6 Western Balkan countries, Investment Group Meta Group, Energy Institut der Wirtschaft GmbH, CMSR Center for International Cooperation and Development, The Fund for Innovation and Technological Development, Commercial Banks, etc.
In the Chamber's groups, type projects for financial programs and industries that are suitable for applying the listed available financial programs are made:
- Administrative structures of local self-government and state institutions, including schools, kindergartens, gyms, health facilities, etc.
- Industrial capacities for products and services that support sustainable development and energy saving, reconstruction of buildings and implementation of energy efficient heating and / or air conditioning technology for:
* Business administrative and service facilities - warehouses for food products, administrative buildings, shopping centers, hotel complexes
* Food industry - industrial facilities for processing agricultural products and food products and production in greenhouses, etc.
* Manufacturing industry of metal, plastic and wood products
* Construction industry and processing of marble and stone - industrial facilities for the production and processing of construction products
- Renewable energy sources - construction and electro-mechanical installation of small and medium-sized hydro power plants, biogas treatment plants, solar power plants
- Gasification of district heating systems - installing equipment for natural gas transmission and installation for gas use in industry and cogeneration plants, administrative and housing facilities.
Повикани за учество се заинтересирани приватни компании, финансиски организации, јавни институции, локалната самоуправа и останати организации и засегнати страни инволвирани во подготовка и реализација на зелени комерцијални и проекти за одржлив развој.
Котизацијата за учество е воедно и годишна чланарина во Комората на Мал Бизнис -Standard членство која изнесува 6.180,00 ден.
ESCо SUN - 30% грант
Членките на Комората на мал бизнис имаат можност да аплицираат за бескаматни кредити во вредност до 15.000 ЕУР по повикот на Развојна Банка даден на линкот https://mbdp.com.mk/mk/vesti/687-1-7
Овозможени се 30% грантови на одобрените кредити доколку претпријатијата аплицираат со проектно и техничко решение за:
- зелена економија (енергетска ефикасност, обновлици извори на енергија, заштита на животна средина и цирклуларни проекти)
- модернизација со дигитализација на деловните процеси
ПОВИК НА ЛИНК >>> http://www.cosmoinnovate.com.mk/obuki/magjunarodniobuki/energetskaefikas...
ЕУРЕМ промотивно видео на линкот >>> https://youtu.be/yDwAI97oqxs
EUREM Award 2020 Competition
Номинираните проекти на ЕУРЕМ МК беа презентирани на годишната конференција во Атина на 30 септември-1 Октомври 2020 г.
Renewables in Business
Toni Srbinoski
Alkaloid AD
Fulfill of cGxP (current GMP/GDP) requirements, increase
of the capacities, The Energy Efficiency, and the use of
Renewables (by Technical, Engineering, Scientific and
Managerial Innovations)
Compressed Air
Metodija Bogeski
P.I. “Vitaminka” a.d.
Compressed air in P.I. “Vitaminka” a.d
ПРОГРАМА НА КОНФЕРЕНЦИЈАТА - Energy Saving 2020 >>> http://www.sbch.org.mk/sites/default/files/Energy-Saving-2020_PROGRAMM.pdf
Ве молиме да го пријавите Вашето присуство со пополнување на пријавата на линкот >>> СНИМИ ПРИЛОГ односно http://www.sbch.org.mk/sites/default/files/Prijava%20Green%20Energy%20Day%202020_1.doc , која ќе ја доставите на e-mail info@sbch.org.mk
Информации за пријавување учество и спонзорство на 070 223 686.