Mitre Arsovski – EUREM MK Association of energy managers, President
Katerina Veljanovska Blazevska – Small Business Chamber of Commerce,
President of the Assembly
Panel I – Igor Mishevski - Green Economy Sector Manager, IME Programme
Panel II – Visar Ademi - President and CEO of My Career, HELVETAS Swiss
Interecoopeation project Co-facilitator
Panel III – Darko Spirovski - Technical Consultant and Advisor at Institute for Environment
and Heallth ,SEE University
Panel I
ESCo – Energy Service Company
Antonio Delov, EUREM MK Association of energy managers, member of the Board
Energy Efficiency Law of Republic of Macedonia
Valentina Stardelova, Ministry of Economy, Energy Department
ESCo & PPP projects legislative challenges
Aleksandar Naumoski, Mayor, Municipality of Gjorce Petrov
Establishing an energy efficiency management service
Nikola Ushinov, EVN Macedonia, Energy planning and procurement managerEnergy Performance Contracting
Panel II
Sustainable Housing Prototype District
Stefan Ivanovski - Master of City Planning, concentration in community
and economic development
Smart City Model
Aleksandar Zaovski, Sentrek, business developer
Sustainable Tourism Regions
Tatjana Perovik Mitrova - Head of Department for Economic Affairs at
Embassy of Montenegro in Macedonia
Green Cities Fit for Life – Ljubljana 2016 European Green Capital
Mira Lesjak – Embassy of the Republic of Sloveia, Minister Plemnipotentiary
Municipalities Reconstruction Projects
Dimitar Grombanovski - Reconstruction of kindergarten "Buba mara", building -
"Bee1", Municipality of Aerodrom, Skopje
Ivan Markovski – Reconstruction of primary school Dimitar Berovski Municipality of
Gjorce Petrov
Dragan Natkov – Reconstruction of primary school Malina Polivanova Municipality of
Zlatko Pandovski - Increasing Energy Efficiency of SOTU ,,Gjorgi Naumov“ - Bitola
Maja Todoroska - Study of modernization of lighting of the object and change of the building facade in the primary
school Orde Chopela
Panel III
Business model for investments for replacement of old heating systems in
households with new ones.
Darko Spirovski - Technical Consultant and Advisor at Institute for Environment and Heallth
,SEE University
Energy efficient buildings in 400kV and 110kV substations Sustainable Housing
Violeta Tasheva, MEPSO AD
Reconstruction of District Heating Substation for Pump Energy Efficiency
Igor Delidonkov, Project implemented in the company Distribution of Heat Balkan Energy
Switch Lignite to Natural Gas with Steam and Eletricitty CHP System Textile
Industrial Facility Teteks RMG
Zarko Trpkovski, Teteks AD
Reconstruction of Central Heating System in Autobase in Avtokomanda and
Gjorce Petrov
Mevljan Tairi, JSP Skopje