Green Social Entrepreneurship

ЈАВНА ДЕБАТА - 25 Септември 2020, 10.30 часот, on-line ZooM
Учеството е ослободено од котизација за млади активисти на граѓански организации 18-29 години и за членки на Стопанска Комората на мал бизнис.

Panel I
New Normal Leadership

Dr.Katerina Veljanovska Blazevska - President of the assembly, Small Business Chamber

1. IPA 3 – Green business development
Presenter: Elisabeta Georgieva - Program Manager of the European Delegation in Skopje

2. SGS EcoCert platform
Platform for Promoting, Establishing and Certifying Green Projects and Sustainable Business Practices for Companies and Organizations
Presenter: Dr.Marijana Lonchar Velkova, Consumers Organisation of Macedonia

3. Transformation of personal capacity - affirmation of leadership potentials
Presentation: Dr. Katerina Veljanovska Blazevska, Small Business Chamber

Panel II
Sustainable, green and social economy

Moderator: Dr.Blagica Sekovska - European Institute for Green Economy and Sustainable Development

4. Developing crowdfunding, energy consumer cooperative and cooperative finansing platforms for energy transition in local communities
Presenter: Darko Spirovski, Adria Finance HUB

5. Lightweight electric vehicles - electric motor initiative
Presenter: Kiril Minanov, Elektromobilnost Makedonija

6. Trends in sustainable development: green economy and social entrepreneurship
Presenter: Dr.Blagica Sekovska - European Institute for Green Economy and Sustainable Development

7. Green Entrepreneurship as a higher octave of the social economy
Presenter: Irina Janevska , ARNO - association for the development of new options

8. Extinction Rebellion - world movement
Presenter: Jasmina Karlsson - Extinction Rebellion, Sweden

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