Green MiCred Pathways Project

Latvia 10-15.02.2025

The Latvian Employers' Confederation is pleased to announce the launch of a five-day Green Skills Mobility training grant from 10 - 15 February 2025 for a limited number of participants from Ireland, Sweden, North Macedonia, Bulgaria and Spain under the Green MiCred Pathways project

Latvian Employers' Confederation is organizing a Green Skills Mobility program for 15 participants which will be implemented in Riga in collaboration with Riga Building college

The program is intended for representatives of companies in charge of raising the capacities of employees for personal development, health, safety at work and the environment.

The purpose of the program is for the participants to get to know the experiences of VET training centers in Latvia, piloting a program for green skills for workers and creating standards of continuous training for green skills and transition to green jobs in companies in cooperation with local providers from the countries participating in the project.

The Latvian Employers' Confederation (LDDK) is the most influential and largest employer-representative organization in Latvia promoting its competitiveness and growth both nationally and internationally. Riga Construction College is a partner in the GreenMICRED Pathways project as a leader in Erasmus + projects that aims to create Micro-credential courses and provide skills development for adults and promote the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Micro-credential courses for company employees support corporate social responsibility standards CSRD, ESRS and ESG green socially responsible practices in the community.


Eco-En CODE offers services for the establishment of ESG standards in companies and financial organizations that are suppliers of products and services to EU partners and customers.

Eco-En CODE invites companies to nominate a representative to the Green Mobility program at Latvian Employers' Confederation (LDDK) from 10 - 15 February 2025 supported by the Green MiCre Pathways project.


We invite interested companies to prepare:
- Company representative nomination letter with brief company portfolio
- CV of the nominated representative,

Send both documents to, i.e. the local project partner - the Small Business Chamber of Commerce. The local partner (sending organization) in coordination with Latvian Employers' Confederation (LDDK) (receiving organization) will provide necessary preparations and instructions for the participants of the Green Skills Mobility program in Latvia.

An agreement will be concluded between the sending and receiving organization and the participating individuals, defining the aims and content of the mobility period in order to ensure its relevance and quality. It can also be used as a basis for recognition of the period abroad by the receiving organization.

The activities of the receiving organization Latvian Employers' Confederation (LDDK) which are subsidized by the Green MiCred Pathways project are:
- Organization of all logistic issues – venue, companies, training materials, trainers, non-formal methods, etc.
- Suggestions for accommodation and travel for participants.

Transport from the home country to Ireland and back and accommodation in Latvia during the Green Mobility period 10 - 15 February 2025 is at the expense of the nominated participants.


Companies/organizations that will nominate participants in the program should be members of the Chamber of Small Business.

Application deadline is January 17, 2025

Please refer your questions about participating in the Green Skills Mobility program in Ireland to Edvard Sofeski


A platform for promoting, establishing and certifying green socially responsible projects and sustainable business practices of companies and organizations

tel. +389 2 244 8077
mobile. +389 70 223 686


Ireland 27.01-01.02.2025

Technological University Dablin (TU Dablin Micro-credentials | TU Dublin is pleased to announce the launch of a five-day Green Skills Mobility training grant from 27 January - 1 February 2025 for a limited number of participants from Latvia, Sweden, North Macedonia, Bulgaria and Spain under the Green MiCred Pathways project

TU Dublin is organizing a Green Skills Mobility program for 15 participants which will be implemented in Dublin and Tullamore in collaboration with LOETB Tullamore Training Centre

The program is intended for representatives of companies in charge of raising the capacities of employees for personal development, health, safety at work and the environment.

The purpose of the program is for the participants to get to know the experiences of VET training centers in Ireland, piloting a program for green skills for workers and creating standards of continuous training for green skills and transition to green jobs in companies in cooperation with local providers from the countries participating in the project. .

Ireland is one of the first European countries to establish a coherent national framework for quality assured and accredited micro-credentials.TU Dublin is a leader in creating Micro-credential courses, designed to meet the evolving needs of learners, enterprises, and society.

Micro-credential courses for company employees support corporate social responsibility standards CSRD, ESRS and ESG green socially responsible practices in the community.


Eco-En CODE offers services for the establishment of ESG standards in companies and financial organizations that are suppliers of products and services to EU partners and customers.

Eco-En CODE invites companies to nominate a representative to the Green Mobility program at TU Dublin from 27 January - 1 February 2025 supported by the Green MiCre Pathways project.


We invite interested companies to prepare:
- Company representative nomination letter with brief company portfolio
- CV of the nominated representative,

Send both documents to, i.e. the local project partner - the Small Business Chamber of Commerce. The local partner (sending organization) in coordination with TU Dublin (receiving organization) will provide necessary preparations and instructions for the participants of the Green Skills Mobility program in Ireland.

An agreement will be concluded between the sending and receiving organization and the participating individuals, defining the aims and content of the mobility period in order to ensure its relevance and quality. It can also be used as a basis for recognition of the period abroad by the receiving organization.

The activities of the receiving organization TU Dublin which are subsidized by the Green MiCred Pathways project are:
- Organization of all logistic issues – venue, companies, training materials, trainers, non-formal methods, etc.
- Suggestions for accommodation and travel for participants.

Transport from the home country to Ireland and back and accommodation in Ireland during the Green Mobility period 27 January - 1 February 2025 is at the expense of the nominated participants.

Note: Citizens of North Macedonia need to have a visa to stay in the Republic of Ireland during the implementation period of Green Mobility. The visa process can take up to 2 months as applications are made at the Embassy of the Republic of Ireland in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia.
The entire administration for nominating a company representative to participate in Green Mobility, signing a contract and preparing an invitation letter from TU Dublin required for applying for a visa needs to be completed by November 22, 2024.

Please refer your questions about participating in the Green Skills Mobility program in Ireland to Edvard Sofeski


A platform for promoting, establishing and certifying green socially responsible projects and sustainable business practices of companies and organizations

tel. +389 2 244 8077
mobile. +389 70 223 686


Green MiCred Pathways Project

„Патеки за зелени микро акредитиви: надградба и обновување на вештините на нискоквалификувани возрасни за доживотно учење“ се обидуваат да обезбедат рамка за микро-акредитивни зелени вештини обезбедени од експерти од индустријата, образованието и обуката, што може да им олесни на возрасните да се оспособат/надградат во рамките на парадигмата за доживотно учење за да ги подобрат можностите за вработување.

Конкретни цели и активности:

• Спроведување на компаративна анализа на политиките за образование и обука за возрасни во земјите партнери (регионални/национални) и европски иницијативи.
• Мапирање на типографијата на новите работни области во секторите кои се однесуваат на индустријата 4.0 и 5.0.
• Идентификување на потребите за зелени вештини на индустријата, особено на ниво 4 на Европската рамка на квалификации и развој на
матрица на исходи од учењето на зелените вештини кои можат да се прошират во кратки флексибилни програми кои ќе бидат препознаени
како микро-акредитиви.
• Обезбедување алатки за проценка за возрасните да ги мапираат своите знаења, вештини и компетенции и да дадат насоки за процедурите за валидација за препознавање и советување на патиштата до усовршување и доусовршување користејќи микро-акредитиви и искуствено учење базирано на работа.
• Развивање на прогресивни и флексибилни педагошки алатки за поддршка на пристапите на настава и учење за образование и обука на
возрасни кои користат хибридно учење кое комбинира виртуелни средини за учење со искуство засновано на работа.
• Вклучете се во активности за вмрежување и споделување знаење со европските платформи и мрежи.
• Учествувајте во Европската коалиција за образование за климата за поддршка на споделување знаење, промовирање на одржливост и
вклучување во иницијативи за најдобра практика.

Проектот го адресира следново:

• Возрасни со ниско ниво на образование и обука кои се или невработени, изложени на ризик да станат невработени или имаат работно место кое не е сигурно, вклучувајќи ги економски и социјално маргинализираните заедници, барателите на азил и бегалците.
• Региони и специфични области (и рурални и урбани) кои имаат високи нивоа на економска неповолност.


* Истражување на постоечките политики, анализа на микро акредитиви и зелени вештини.
* Развивање на програма за обука за пилотирање, Идентификување на матрицата за микро вештини, Создавање заеднички резултати од учењето.
* Платформа која поддржува дигитално учење


Нашето партнерство се состои од 16 партнери од 7 европски земји (Шведска, Бугарија, Ирска, Латвија, Македонија, Шпанија, Холандија).

КОМОРА НА МАЛ БИЗНИС - мрежа за деловен успех
Small Business Chamber - business success networking

Стопанска комора на мал бизнис
бул.Јане Сандански 113
1000 Скопје
тел. (02) 244 8077, 070 223 686